Authors like cats because they are such quiet, lovable, wise creatures, and cats like authors for the same reasons.-Robertson Davies. By reading this sweet and little, cute quote you can understand about what am going to show you. Cats are cute, little and furry pet.From childrens to elders love to play with cats. One of best feature of cat is its eyes at dark because its eyes sparkle like diamond at dark. In 2007 The New York times published that cat has been domesticated in ancient Egypt. Cats have rapid breeding rate. Cats have brilliant night vision. Male cats are very stronger than female. Cat Fanciers’ Association recognized that there are 41 breeds of cats, in that 16 are the natural breeds. We can see many colours of cat. Many ancient religions believed that cats are glorious souls, friend or guides for humans. In Islam, some writers have assured that Muhammad had a favorite cat, Muezza. Here I showcased some of photographs of cute cats, hope you all love it.