The flying fox is tree dwelling bats, which is an efficient flyers and tree climbers is one of the amazing creatures which is referred as Pteropus technically. There are various types of flying foxes all over the world and each is different in its genre. In a report, it is noted that the extinction is very low since there is a growth in human consumption and some people considered as a delicious meat which also results in low extinction. It depends on fruits and flowers were as Eucalyptus is their favorite tree. They have very good instincts of finding foods by their smell and follow the nomadic rule.
It will not be staying in one place because of the change in the season and they always move to rain forest and coastal areas where they can find the fruits and flowers they used to have. They covered up to 40 miles for their feedings. Their names come as fox since their face looks like a fox. The large flying fox has a wingspan of about 1.5m and they also have a short tail, which may not be visible, pointed ears which is also long. There are also other special characters of flying fox is included and it specifically depends on the classification of it. It can fly as high as 1370 meters above the sea level. They are mostly seen in Myanmar, Cambodia, Thailand and throughout southeast Asia. Today in our showcase we have added some beautiful flying fox your consideration.
Grey-headed Flying Fox by OFER LEVY