
55 Excellent Photographs of Sports

55 excellent photographs of sports


Welcome to world of sports through incredible snap. The word Sport” comes from the Old French disport meaning “leisure”. In American English uses the term “sports” torefer general type of recreational activity. According to artifacts and structures Chinese engaged insporting activities as early as 2000 BC. Gymnastics is a popular sport in China’s ancient past. These sports photographs are really amazing because taking photographs while playing is a difficult task,the movement of sportsman may change in fraction of seconds capturing the image in that meantime really need some special skill.The first thing we remember after saying sports is Olympics the Greeks created the Olympic Games.Now a days sports as became a prestigious issue for each and every country. In media we can find hundreds of live sport channels.Soccer, cricket, hockey, baseball, tennis etc are the very popular sports and even bullfight, horse riding. Air sports, billiards, bridge, chess, motorcycle racing, and power Here I collected the wonderful and excellent photographs of sports which were captured by investing some special skills hope it is a good treat forall sports lovers.


I believe I can fly

You won´t stop me

I want to be the first

Le rouge et or football


Bull fighter

Duhner Race

Up up up

Kick Boxing



Cilento National Park – the scene

skate in water


Pandanus War

Campinos of Portugal

Big Mass



RedBull Drift race

Tiro y arrastre

Young rodeo rider



sports competition

Running Race


Klaas Voget

Auto Racing


little jockey in action

Grab the sun

de pacu jawi

Trotting Race on beach

USC at Stanford – Stepfan Taylor

Water polo Tony Azavedo

Paulo Priddy


Golf – Bunker Shot

A Leap Of Faith

Game Of Pool

Ball catcher

Maria Sharapova


Trey Canard Scrub

Going to town

Mountain Claimer

European cup



The Match

Cal Baptist Women’s Volleyball

Table Tennis French Women

sachin Tendulkar

jason parker sport shooter


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